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Individual Donor Levels
Producer's Circle
  • Regular e-notification of special Authenticity Theater events, productions and offers
  • Recognition in show playbills
  • 2 Complimentary Drink vouchers for a production of your choice
  • Early Access to Season info, Season Tickets, and seat selection for shows
  • 2 VIP Season Tickets
Director's Circle
  • Regular e-notification of special Authenticity Theater events, productions and offers
  • Recognition in show playbills
  • 2 Complimentary Drink vouchers for a production of your choice
  • Early Access to Season info, Season Tickets, and seat selection for shows
  • Regular e-notification of special Authenticity Theater events, productions and offers
  • Recognition in show playbills
  • 2 Complimentary Drink vouchers for a production of your choice
  • Regular e-notification of special Authenticity Theater events, productions and offers
  • Recognition in show playbills